Why Gathered, Why Now?
Our Gathered theme for May 2021 is 'Beginnings', and there are so many to choose from. From beginnings of pregnancy to parenthood, to lockdown. From beginning our lives as mothers and as new families, to our new relationships with grandparents.
Encouraged by the ridiculously insightful Megan Macedo, one of our founder Gathered members, I'll be posting a series of writing pieces across the next few weeks that are in many ways about the origins of Gathered for me. They are about the beginnings of my motherhood, the beginnings of gathering with other women, of being with woman as a midwife, of being with other mothers and finding connection in my community. They are about beginnings my understandings around feminism and matrescence and a whole heap of other things in between.
I hope these will give you more insight into why Gathered means so much to me, in to how it came to exist, and perhaps there will be some aspects of my experience that you can connect with or would like to explore. I hope you find them useful.
Rachel B