A flexible membership for all the stages

Between Gatherings, members connect through our unique, curated & private app, our weekly podcast, regular socials & family days, & incredible mums’ retreats, all of which help turn acquaintances into close knit, long lasting friendships.

Ready to join us? Book your taster session by location.

The Members’ App

Our unique online space (using the Mighty Network app) functions just like a social media site, but with no external advertising, just local mums in a safely moderated space.

Here, members will find a treasure trove of trusted advice within a closed, secure group of Gathered mums as well as direct access to all of our events, podcasts & anythign else we have going on.

Our Gathered Dads’ group runs via a moderated Whatsapp group for info sharing and organising meet ups.

The Weekly Podcast

Whichever membership you join, you’ll have access to our regular podcast which ties in with our month’s theme & weekly topics.

Here, our facilitators share their experiences to get you thinking on the topic before you join your Gathering. Feel part of the gang as you rock, change, walk, commute or wash up & listen along. If you don’t manage to listen one week (or any of the weeks!) there’s no pressure, it’s not homework, just a good conversation starter, and another source of Gathered support during your week.

Social Events

From evening drinks to family picnics - your Gathered membership provides a load of ways to socialise and meet new members. Across our community, Gathered members have been on theatre trips and days out, shared personal trainers, shared childcare and even holidayed together.

Amongst the local parents in our community there’s almost always someone with a shared interest to spend time with.

Pricing & Flexibility

Our main, weekly gathering, memberships are priced at £48 per month. We offer a subsidised rate for anyone who needs it (no specific criteria) and operate a small hardship fund to help any member to stay on through short periods of financial crisis. Evening memberships are £20 per month, or we have an ‘online only’ option to access the online community & social events, without a regular gathering, for £10 per month.

For all members, we offer the option to come to an alternative gathering on any occasion where one is missed. Additionally, for our weekly members, we offer the option to ‘pause’ down to an online only membership if away for a month or more, for example if travelling or visiting family, whilst keeping a place in the group. Finally, we also offer the flexibility to move between types of memberships as circumstances change, for example switching locations, or moving from daytime to evening gathering memberships, or back again.

Our Gathered Guys membership is £15 per month, with a small reduction if both partners are members.

To join Gathered, come along to a taster session, where you’ll be given the joining link for our full memberships. If you’d prefer to join us online only, you can do that here.